Food/Group Meal Form on DocuSign

The Food/Group Meal Form is required when submitting any estimates, invoices, or reimbursements that include food. Planners can save a step by using the form already in DocuSign. To access the form, follow these steps:

  1. Log into DocuSign using your GT username. You may be prompted to complete your Georgia Tech SSL.
  2. Select 'Use a Template' from the start button. 
  3. Set your search to 'All Templates' on the left hand side. 
  4. Search the term 'food group' to see the current year Food Group Meal Form.
    1. Be sure to use the official one from Procurement, uploaded by Rebecca Keith
  5. Enter your information in Department Representative. This will allow you to fill out all the details on the form. 
  6. Enter the name and email of who is approving signature in your department.
    1. If you need to add an additional person to receive a copy of your completed form, click 'Advance Edit' in the lower right corner. This allows you to add a recipient who you can set to 'Receives a Copy'
  7. Edit details under message to clarify to the person receiving the form which event or meeting this is for. 
  8. Click Send to complete the form details. The DocuSign will send to you first as department representative. 
  9. Once you complete details, you can send the form to the next individual.
  10. When the form is complete, DocuSign will send you an email and send you a copy of the completed document.