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Alcoholic Beverages
All on-campus events require approval prior to your event.
You must be on the Georgia Tech network or logged into the VPN to access the form.
Before you submit your request:
- Review the Campus Alcohol and the Employee Alcohol and Illegal Drug Use Policy.
- Review your event floor plan with the Building Manager where you will have the event. Your bar placement must prevent walkups from the general public and any underage attendees. This can be placing your bar in a separate room or setting up stanchions.
- An event with over 100 participants or underaged attendees require Georgia Tech Police presence. Contact the Georgia Tech Police for special event security.
- Determine who will be the designated responsible employee for the event. All on-campus events must have a full-time Georgia Tech employee present throughout the event. This can be a member of the faculty, staff, or a campus police officer. It is often the event planner.
- If you are serving alcohol, food service is required.
- All alcohol must be served by individuals who are TIPS trained or an equivalnet program. You will be required to indicate if you are hiring a bartender through your caterer or provide a copy of your server's eTips certification.
- Georgia Tech Catering is the exclusive provider of alcohol at events hosted in the Student Center, Exhibition Hall, or West Village.
If you've received approval and event details change (e.g., location, time, measures to control consumption, alcohol service, etc.), you are required to notify Alcohol Request Coordinators at
Alcohol Approval Process
Georgia Tech has updated their alcoholic beverage approval process. While the policies around alcohol service on campus remain unchanged, approval will now come from your dean, vice president, or vice provost. Administration and Finance has a new alcohol approval form that, upon completion, will automatically route a DocuSign form to your designated approver. Planners must complete this form at least three weeks prior to their event.
Off-Campus Alcohol
The “Off-Campus Alcohol Expenditure Form” is required for all off-campus activities or events serving alcohol, regardless of whether reimbursement or payment is requested from Georgia Tech or GTF. Those activities or events include, but are not limited to the following:
- Events at the Georgia Tech Hotel (considered off-campus)
- Development/Entertainment events/dinners
- Research/Business related discussions during a meal
- Off-Campus appreciation/recognition events (including holiday events)
- Any off-campus event where GT Purchasing must sign a contract (form needed in advance of signing contract)
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