The Planning Process
- Leaders within the ECN approached the Office of Strategic Consulting in December 2013 to develop a strategic plan.
- Work quickly began in January 2014, with the announcement of the plan to administrators, members, and ECN partners.
- A steering committee was formed of EVLT members and two active general members, who then identified task force members and appropriate stakeholders.
- Surveys, interviews, and workshops were conducted in the summer of 2014, which garnered data the group used to develop goals, strategies, and initiatives.
- Initiatives were prioritized and refined by the task force members, then sent back to the steering committee for final review.
- In the fall of 2014, the plan was drafted and vetted through the ECN task force and stake holders to ensure accuracy and inclusion of all pertinent ideas.
- The steering committee shared the plan with their supervisors and Institute leadership prior to final production.
- The plan was formally announced to ECN membership at the 6th Annual Event Coordinators’ Network Workshop: Designing for Excellence on Wednesday, November 19, 2014.
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